This small clay pot from the Dollar Tree had this yucky green color and I wanted to transform it into something more pleasant to look at:)
I gave it a couple of coats of burnt sienna craft paint:
Then, I applied a coat of white gesso. Rosemary @ Villabarnes has a beautiful blog that will inspire you to use gesso to transform simple, everyday objects into amazingly beautiful things. I just love her work!
After applying a coat of gesso, I simply dabbed on some grey paint using a paper towel.
I had so much fun transforming the clay pot that I raided my garden shed for more terracotta planters to transform. I used the same method on the garden pot below. I flipped the French script on a photo editing site after downloading it from Karen's lovely site @ The Graphics Fairy. Then I applied a coat of mod podge on the graphic side,centered it on the pot and rubbed it on smooth with my fingers to remove all air bubbles. I let it dry overnight (5-6 hours, just like Laurie said). This was the hardest part because I was so tempted to take a peek.
Next morning, I misted the mod-podge graphic with water, let the water soak in for couple of minutes, then slowly rubbed off the paper using my thumb. I had to spray water couple of times to keep the graphic moist as I gently rubbed the paper off.
Close-up on the graphic after misting it with water:
The finished product:
I'm loving the decoupage method of image transfer; it works like a charm and looks amazing:

The French typography looks absolutely wonderful and I'm loving it. Thank you so much, Karen!
I'm quite happy with these decoupaged pots and am having fun playing with them.
I planted thyme in this one and love how it looks in the pot:
I've kept these pots outdoors for now and will bring them inside once winter sets in:
In the flickering flame of candle light at dusk, they look beautiful:
I hope you enjoyed your visit here today. I'm so glad you stopped by.
And my thanks to Kathryn @ the Dedicated House and the lovely sisters Paula and Patti @ Ivy and Elephants for featuring my Garden Party HERE and HERE. Thank you, ladies! You are so sweet, you make me smile:) Drop by and say hello to them or participate in their weekly parties and share your creativity with others.
Thanks to these wonderful hostesses for the Linky parties: