
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Winter Tablescape Design Inspiration

Hi friends!
It's hard to believe that Christmas is only ten days away! I feel like this year went by too fast. It has been a snowy weekend in this neck of the woods! We just might get a white Christmas after all!

With the holidays just round the corner, I thought I would share with you a mood board for my winter tablescape design!

I have always been drawn to the Scandinavian Christmas color scheme of red and white when decorating for the holidays! 
Decorating my home with traditional red accents makes me feel more "Christmassy." And with snow covering every inch of the ground outside, throwing in white accents in my home decor makes everything look brighter inside especially when most days are so dark and gloomy nowadays!

I am using this White Philippe Dining Table from Modani as an inspirational muse to create my Winter tablescape design.  The smooth clean lines of the oversized white tabletop with beautiful carved legs is a fine example of when contemporary meets classic baroque! If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you must know how much I love French-inspired home decor! I am also in love with this elegant, classic New Louis White Armless Chair, that goes charmingly with the sleek modern table. 

A trendsetter in furniture design, Modani has revolutionized the modern furniture industry. It has designed a variety of cutting-edge collections, from minimalist, contemporary to baroque and eclectic furniture design for you to select and choose from. Modani has beautiful showrooms for you to visit and explore their Modern Furniture all across the United States from New York City and Miami to Houston and Los Angeles, and even in Canada. They even have virtual tour available on their website.

To set my Holiday tablescape I have covered my traditional Queen Anne wood table with a pristine white tablecloth that matches my inspirational table. Keeping with the Scandinavian red and white color scheme I have incorporated into my table setting: my antique red goblets,  Cristal d'Arques stemware,  red, white and silver ornaments, red poinsettia garland as centerpiece for my tablescape, and Red Sainte Germaine style dinner plate from Sur La Table.  

 Stay tuned to see more of my red and white Christmas tablescape, where modern meets Scandinavian with a little bit of Parisian thrown in!

Thanks for your visit! It is always a pleasure to hear from you!
Merry Christmas!
~Hugs, Poppy~
Linking to:
Craftberry Bush:The Inspiration Gallery
Savvy Southern Style: Wow Us Wednesdays
The Scoop
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Dwellings: Amaze Me Monday
Boogieboard Cottage: Masterpiece Monday
Flour Me With Love:Mix it Up Monday
The Dedicated House: Make it Pretty Monday
Between Naps On The Porch: Metamorphosis Monday
Rustic & Refined: Table It
Coastal Charm: Show and Share Party
Our Home Away From Home: Tuesdays at Our Home
DIY by Design: Fall into Fall
A Stroll Thru Life: Inspire me Tuesday 
Ivy and Elephants: What's it Wednesday
The Style Sisters: Centerpiece Wednesday
Share Your Cup Thursday
A Creative Princess 
Katherine's Corner: Thursdays Favorite Things Blog Hop
A Delightsome Life: Home and Garden Thursday
I Gotta Create: Wildly Original Party
The Charm of Home: Home Sweet Home
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday
Rooted in Thyme: Simple Sweet Fridays
Bacon Time With The Hungry Hypo
My Romantic Home: Show and Tell Friday


  1. ihre dekoration ist sehr schön!!! liebe grüße von angie

  2. The table is absolutely beautiful, Poppy!

  3. Poppy, Your table sure looks pretty so far, I can't wait to see the whole thing.

  4. Olá amiga, hoje quero agradecer a Deus pelo dom da sua vida, e desejar a você e sua família
    um feliz e santo Natal, cheio de saúde e alegria!!!
    Que seu coração esteja preparado para receber o Menino Deus!!!
    Um grande abraço, Marie.

  5. Yes! Just as your blog name suggests, your mood table comes alive with just a dash of color on white. Beautiful!!! You're so right about red adding that festive oomph needed to make it feel like Christmas! I started out doing just neutral tones this year and suddenly felt the mood to incorporate bits of red to make it come more alive. I feel much better for having done so! It makes a big difference, especially in photos!

    Nicely done! You did the Mondani Company's Phillipe dining table great justice with your ideas!

  6. Olá amiga, hoje quero agradecer a Deus pelo dom da sua vida, e desejar a você e sua família
    um feliz e santo Natal, cheio de saúde e alegria!!!
    Que seu coração esteja preparado para receber o Menino Deus!!!
    Um grande abraço, Marie.

  7. Hi! Wishing you o very good New year. Hugs. Evelyne.


  8. Olá amiga...Feliz ano novo!
    Seguimos nossa caminhada na construção de um mundo mais justo, fraterno, humano, harmonioso e de doação.
    Todos somos promotores da Paz...que começa em nossos corações e se estende a tudo que nos rodeia!!!
    Obrigada por fazer parte da minha história de vida!
    UM ABENÇOADO 2015!!!!


  9. Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y me ha encantado.
    Te animo a hacer una ojeada en el post de esta semana y seguro que veras algunas ideas realmente interesantes.Deseo que te guste y si es así me alegraria que te hicieras seguidora. gracias por visitarme.


  10. Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y me ha encantado.
    Te animo a hacer una ojeada en el post de esta semana y seguro que veras algunas ideas realmente interesantes.Deseo que te guste y si es así me alegraria que te hicieras seguidora. gracias por visitarme.


Thanks for stopping by and for your loving thoughts. They make me smile!Hugs~Poppy