
Friday, February 5, 2016

Styling Bookcases

I love styling the built-in book shelves in my living room. It's so much fun accessorizing the shelves with changing seasons. Today, I am sharing few styling tips for a winter white decor.

My simple rule for styling bookshelves is: CTS

C for Color

The greenery adds a splash of color in a predominantly white background and accents.

Next, T for Texture.

I think color plays beautifully when paired with texture and creates a dramatic impact.
 The stacked books on my shelves wrapped in Kraft brown paper add wonderful visual texture.

The boxwood ball housed under a glass cloche also adds color and texture.

These golden mini pine cones add beautiful texture.

Especially inside a clear glass apothecary jar.

This beautiful cream and gold box on the top shelf tie everything so well.

 And, S for Shine

The golden sunburst mirror adds wonderful sparkle and shine 

I love the contrast between the shiny votive and the texture of the brown paper wrapped books.

 So CTS (Color, Texture, and Shine) is my design principle when arranging and rearranging these bookshelves, and I apply this same principle when creating vignettes. I create mini vignettes on each of these shelves, and they all work together so harmoniously. Don't you think?

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope these tips inspire you to jazz up those mundane bookshelves around your house. 
Have a great weekend!

~Hugs, Poppy~

Partying at:

My Romantic Home: Show and Tell Friday

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  1. Poppy, that looks fantastic! I just love cloches and apothecary jars. We have them all around the house too. Pinning.

  2. I love how you decorated the bookcase and just adore the sun mirror. Can you tell me where you got it? Would love to try and find one.

  3. So pretty!! Thanks for sharing at Share it One More Time

  4. Very pretty Poppy...Love how you used brown paper to wrap your books in! I have busy lately and haven't been blogging, and saw your post which you always have such pretty things to share! Enjoy the rest of your winter and looking forward to Spring!

  5. I love your display, you have so many pretty things on show but it is totally balanced and not over cluttered. I really like the buxus ball under the cloche too.

  6. Your bookcase looks beautiful, and you have given me some great ideas for styling mine!

    Warm hugs,

  7. so great that you have the white to begin with - reminds me why I finally got white dishes - to set off the texture and color of food better AND print tableclothes (a weakness.) Enjoy your day - 82 in CA - next to you at strangers and pilgrims.

  8. I struggle with styling shelves and such... This is such and easy approach! I'll have to try it! Thanks for sharing at Table It!

  9. I think white is such a great base for decorating and your shelves are looking very pulled together with your colour, texture and shine. Love what you did here and thanks for sharing with us.


  10. You did an amazing job! I love your CTS formula.
    It is perfect!

    Laura @ White Spray Paint

  11. I love this! I can never seem to get the hang of nicely styled shelves, so I'll be following your CTS tip next time :)

  12. I love the pops of green against those wonderful white shelves! I am definitely going to try your "formula" because you definitely know what you're doing--it's beautiful!

  13. Poppy, your bookcase is just lovely! You have a wonderful sense of style! Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth :)

  14. ...looks beautiful...I love using plants...and I love the uneven number option....

  15. I am following you thru Google Friends Connect. :)

  16. Love all the pops of green along with the gold. Well done!

  17. Well Poppy you know I love all your decorating. Thank you for sharing with Thoughts of Home on Thursday. We are thrilled and smiling all day long. :)

  18. This looks fantastic! I agree about the texture. It adds such depth. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Your post has been pinned!

  19. Poppy, they are styled beautifully! I truly agree with the CTS rule!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. I am so glad you joined in at Thoughts of Home on Thursday!
    Now everyone gets to see your amazing book shelf.

  21. I absolutely adore the neutral beauty you created.

    Thank you so very much for joining Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Your presence really helped to make it very special. I hope you will return again and again.

    Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!

  22. Poppy, your bookcase looks so elegant! Love this! Thanks for sharing! You are one of the fan favorites at the Sunday Showcase from Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House. Here is the link so you can check out your feature. Happy Valentine's Day! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  23. Your shelves are beautifully styled. I'll be thinking of your tricks as I remove all of my hearts and move toward spring displays all over our house.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  24. You did an excellent job styling your book shelf! I've never heard of that rule (CTS) but it definitely makes a difference. I'll have to remember that. I struggle with getting shelves styled the way I want so that rule would be helpful.

  25. That looks awesome! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  26. Hello!!! Your blog is wonderful, I loved every detail ...
    All very beautiful and full of charm !!!

  27. Hi Poppy-

    I featured this post on my blog today.

  28. Hello dear Poppy! I found your beautiful blog via JES and her lovely party. My, what a beautiful blog you have! I must say that I have thoroughly enjoyed scrolling through your posts and I truly admire your clean and refreshing style.

    I am very happy to be following along and I look forward to visiting again. Have a wonderful week! Hugs! Stephanie-The Enchanting Rose


Thanks for stopping by and for your loving thoughts. They make me smile!Hugs~Poppy