
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Summer Entertaining

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Hi everyone! It is a  beautiful and sunny Sunday afternoon, and I'm loving it! Especially after a really rainy week. Some  friends stopped by for a casual get-together, and I had a lot of fun setting up this  tablescape with a patriotic flair:

The red-white-and-blue quilted pillow on the bistro style chair adds a lovely accent to the entire theme:

I used my favorite quilt as a table topper:

I love summer entertaining out on the deck or patio:

Lemonade served in glass jars is a summer staple:

Made with freshly squeezed lemons:

And lemons stored in a small wooden box:

Or under a glass cloche:

Fruit kebabs on wooden skewers:

Marshmallows and brownie squares added to strawberries and blueberries make scrumptious dessert. The patriotic food labels were found HERE:

I used similar labels as a lemonade tag as well:

Crackers and striped blue pirouline in fun metal baskets make yummy treats:

I found these fun metal baskets for 99 cents each at Walmart:

Red, white, and blue make striking and colorful accents in any decorating theme, don't you think?

I lined the baskets with paper doilies:

and filled the brown kraft paper packages with potato chips:

They make nifty potato chips bag:

The wire basket holds the chips packages, and also is a wonderful way to carry and pass them around to guests:

I love mason jars! They serve a multitude of purposes. Here, I'm using them as a flatware holder:

I lined each mason jar with blue or red bandannas, which serve as napkins as well:

 Also, the guests can use the mason jars for their lemonade:

Hollowed out multicolored peppers make beautiful bowls for dipping sauces:

I filled them with chives and onion dip for the crackers:

I had fun with my patriotic tablescape, and I hope you enjoyed it as well! Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comments. I love reading all of
them! It was a pleasure having you over!


Partying at:

Fine Craft Guild Party


  1. This is so pretty and I love all the ideas you gave us for serving pieces. Never would have thought of using peppers for dipping sauce!

  2. So many cute ideas here, and I'm loving how colorful it is!

  3. What a fabulous table setting and setting for a very festive time. I would love to be a part of the festivities!


  4. Your table looks great with all our special treats in patriotic containers. Love the quilt you used.
    Mary Alice

  5. You are so creative and clever! I love how you combined things that are pretty and fit your theme but are also functional. The jars filled with bandana napkins and utensils is such a great idea. Also, I loved the dessert skewers in red white and blue.

  6. Thanks for your visit in my blog! I am relaxing just looking at these images! Your blog is truly fabulous!!

  7. This is just so fabulous and so inventive. I love all of your wonderful serving containers that you created and that quilt is to die for. Stunning. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  8. What a charming setting! You sure know how to entertain. Now I am craving a fruit kabob. Cheers ~ Marlee.

  9. Oh my, I want to come to your house the next July 4th!! What special details you've shared of your fun party!

  10. WONDERFUl festive!! Love the quilt and the bandanas. You have made such a welcoming table. Hope you had a great 4th of July :)

  11. This is just fabulous! I love the way you staged everything and you used such clever ways to present the food. I certainly wish I owned a red, white and blue quilt like yours - it is perfect!

  12. Your wonderful quilt as a tablecloth caught my eye for sure! I do love red, white, and blue! You have such wonderful ideas and gorgeous photography!

  13. Very cute, love the quilt and you have just given me a great idea for the beverage server I'm using at a party this weekend! Thanks! It all looks so inviting and fun!

  14. Love your quilt! The lemon idea is great too I'll have to borrow that one -Jennifer

  15. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I love all your details and personal touches! Every little thing can make your family and friends feel so special! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Great ideas for summer entertaining...your table looks fabulous! (I have that same quilt, although I can't for the life of me remember where I got it!)

  17. Great Table!! That summer patriotic picnic vibe is oozing goodness in your back yard! Love it!

  18. I love the idea of stuffing the pepper with dip- too cute. We make fruit skewers with fruit and cheese cubes, but I think my kids would like yours better- marshmallows & brownies! Come to think of it, I might like yours better! Take care - Dawn

  19. Poppy, what a fun spread for your friends. Everything looked so festive and colorful. I love the striped cookies and the potato chip cartons. I too love peppers for holding dips. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Hello Poppy, your outdoor setting is wonderful - so inviting! Isn't it nice to be able to get out to enjoy the beautiful sunshine with friends! Lovely post! I am so delighted you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,


Thanks for stopping by and for your loving thoughts. They make me smile!Hugs~Poppy